Saturday, April 25, 2009

Greek Week

Greek WEEK! is going on. Which means a visual feast for the photogs who brave the ridiculousness. I know some avoid the events like the plague but I like them. It's a lot of cheering and drinking and doing stupid stuff (which is all great to shoot), and there is something underneath it that says a lot about the Greeks and people in general.

I mean there is nothing like a night of boxing in an old warehouse with victory, defeat and a dirty cheering crowd to make you feel really really human.
If only it were bare knuckle...

So here are a few from the first event, Spring Sing. More Greeks to come..

There was some intensity

Ready to take the stage, eyeing the competition

Each Fraternity and Sorority came up with a song and dance routine to be judged. They all got a different letter in the alphabet to base there music on. One group could do Beatles, Bengals, Betty Boop, you know whatever started with B, and the next group had N and so on.

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